A stocked first aid kit is an absolute necessity in every household, workplace, and set of travel luggage. Most first aid kits come with generally the same type of items, which include things like thermometers, gauze, bandages, scissors, sunscreen, tweezers, alcohol/peroxide.
There are plenty of additional items that could be considered “standard issue” in everyday first aid kits, but there are also some important ones that most people forget or simply don’t think warrant inclusion for whatever reason.
Wimpie Pretorius, a pharmacist and expert on knowing how to treat most common medical conditions, spoke with the South African news site Pretoria East Rekord in a piece that went up right before the new year with advice on some of the other things you should consider putting in your first aid travel kit.
“It is very important to keep your destination in mind when packing your first-aid kit, as well as the ages of your children,” Pretorius said. “Babies will not be able to take tablets, and a syrup will be needed for diarrhea or fever, for instance.”
Prescription medications of those who will be traveling are necessary, as well as making sure everything is replaced and up-to-date. Pre-made saline nose sprays and drops are perfect for combating mucus buildup at the first sight of a cold, fever, or sore throat.
Most first aid kits come standard, but some kind of antibacterial ointment is critical for treating cuts and scrapes and preventing infection. This is a crucial step before adding a bandage to the wound.
However, not everyone can use an adhesive bandage, and some people with allergies look to alternative wound care treatments to heal their minor injuries.
“In an emergency situation, we often rush for the quick fix with bandages and taping not thinking about the after-effects of allergic-reactions or skin maceration it might cause. However, when you have Tape Relief at your fingertips, you can quickly create a barrier between skin and damaging materials, further protecting your skin and decreasing healing time,” said Susan J. Frank, President of Tape Relief.
It’s not a bad idea to think about adding some natural remedies to your first aid kit, too. Ginger is great for treating upset stomachs, and lavender or melatonin can be used for sleep aids.