Mechanics, car dealers, and consumers alike will now be able to access new information and data on the industry thanks to the market research report firm QY Research Reports. The firm released its newest report on the industry, entitled “The North America Automotive Timing Belt Industry 2015 Deep Market Research Report,” this month, according to the technology news source Whatech.com
“The report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure,” the report’s abstract summarizes. “The Automotive Timing Belt market analysis is provided for the North America markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status.”
An estimated 701,100 automobile mechanics work in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One of the most common repairs they regularly have to deal with is the automotive timing belt, also known as a camshaft.
Timing belts are a major part of the internal combustion engine of a vehicle. It synchronizes the rotation of the crankshaft, so the engine valves open and close at the right times during the intake and exhaust strokes of each cylinder. A typical timing belt should be replaced between 30,000 and 50,000 miles.
Some of the biggest areas explored in the report include the manufacturing process, cost structures, and Bill of Materials. How these things are developed and ultimately improved upon greatly affect how the industry will move forward.
“It’s been a trend over the last few years for car manufacturers to design engines with timing chains as opposed to timing belts,” says Stan Creech, Owner, Creech Import Repair. “The standard timing belt replacement interval today is around 100,000 miles. Back in the 1970’s when Asian imports starting taking off in sales, most of them were equipped with belts. At that time and through the 1980’s the standard belt change interval was 60,000; that started changing in the early to mid 1990’s as a result of car MFG’s trying to reduce overall maintenance cost.”
In addition to presenting data on major leaders in the industry in terms of costs, production, specifications, product pictures, and revenue, the report also analyzes future trends and what to expect going forward. Many innovative investment projects are even studied to determine how they might affect the current state of equipment.
The 131-page report also features 147 tables and figures on key statistics of the industry. Some of the 13 chapters include, ‘Analysis of Automotive Timing Belt Industry Key Manufacturers,’ ‘Development Trend of Automotive Timing Belt Industry 2016-2021,’ and ‘Analysis of Automotive Timing Belt Industry Key Manufacturers.’