Reliable, high-quality childcare is a vital service for many parents, allowing families to balance their responsibilities while promoting learning and social interaction. For this reason, companies with onsite childcare are becoming increasingly popular, as private daycare becomes increasingly expensive. Now, a shelter in Fort Wayne, IN is offering the same thing to its residents, allowing them to obtain the benefits of childcare until they find more stable situations.
The Rescue Mission in Fort Wayne held a ceremony to inaugurate its new childcare ministry, called Chara 10:14. The program has been providing onsite childcare for children up to five years of age residing at Charis House since November 3. The shelter previously offered limited off-site daycare, but the Chara 10:14 program will be able to offer full childcare services to 15 children at half the price previously spent per child.
Chara 10:14 is a fully-equipped, registered daycare center in the state of Indiana. Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, the program will help mothers living in the Charis House shelter attend therapy groups, search for housing and employment, and attend medical, legal or outside appointments. However, the children who use the program are expected to benefit as well: studies show that access to high quality early education programs can help children thrive academically and even overcome barriers imposed by poverty.
Employees at the Charis House hope that the new childcare program will enable more women to participate in their programs and improve the quality of their lives. Already, at least one resident has commented that the availability of childcare has helped her participate in meetings, support groups and long-term programming to help her recover.