There are many benefits of using a vented roof over not using one. For example, when there is no vent in the roof, and it starts to rain, water will pool in that spot and could eventually leak into the house or cause structural damage. Also, stagnant air can build up inside when there is no vent in the roof, making it much hotter inside than outside. A vented roof allows air to move freely through to stay cooler and prevent water buildup and leaks. This article will discuss several reasons why having a ventilated roof installed by your roofing contractor is better than one that isn’t.
Ensure Proper Ventilation
The ventilation of a vented roof is beneficial for many reasons. First, it allows moisture to escape before accumulating in the roof. Second, it allows airflow through the building envelope so that condensation does not form on walls or ceilings. Third, venting prevents mold or mildew growth problems throughout the interior. Many types of vents are available today, including exhaust vents/soffit vents, ridge vents, and gable end vents. Each type allows air to move into or out of various parts of your roof structure.
Better Insulation
Roofs can come in various shapes and styles, with some designs being better for insulation than others. While a solid roof structure provides the best insulative properties against heat, they also require more construction materials due to additional support beams required by metal roofers to place along the eaves. Vented roofs are designed with one or more hatches that allow warm air to escape from inside the attic space above them. This is beneficial when considering home heating efficiency since hot air rises and escapes through these hatches, otherwise known as ventilation.
Houses with more insulation have been shown to have lower heating and cooling costs than similar houses with less insulation, resulting in lower energy bills from month to month. Adding just R30 of additional insulation can save you up to $140 per year on your heating and cooling costs. The best way to know if your house has enough insulation or does not promote heat loss is through a blower door test which allows a professional to depressurize the building envelope while measuring how much air leaks out of different areas of the structure. Blower door tests are available for homeowners through local utility companies, who may offer them free or a reduced fee as part of their conservation efforts.
Reduce levels of Indoor pollution
Many things in buildings can cause indoor pollution. Vented roofs are responsible for much less indoor pollution, which is good considering how often people spend time indoors.
The main way vented roofs reduce indoor pollution in a building is by venting pollutants out of the building rather than trapping them inside. There are three types of enclosed spaces where an atmospheric pollutant could cause problems: inside, outside, and below roof decking. If pollutants enter the space above the roof decking through cracks or holes in the structure itself, there is no guarantee that they will leave through small cracks or holes at other points in the structure, so trapping occurs more frequently when this type of enclosed space is present. Even if there aren’t holes in the structure, if pollutants are entering through cracks or holes in the roof membrane (the outermost part of the roof system), they could be getting trapped. There is no guarantee that these small gaps will open up where they need to allow ventilation out of the building.
Vented roofs that can easily be installed by your local roofer also reduce indoor pollution by allowing fresh air into a building through ridge and soffit vents rather than just letting office equipment exhaust exit through an open window.
Preventing indoor pollution reduces health problems associated with breathing polluted air inside buildings. Many health effects are related to breathing polluted indoor air, including asthma attacks, increased respiratory symptoms, cardiovascular disease, cancer, decreased lung function, allergic diseases, etc.
Increase Your Home’s Resale Value
Many people still think that having an unvented roof will save them money over a vented roof, but it does not. An unvented roof leads to moisture buildup, which leads to mold growth and, therefore, higher expenses for you in the long run. The added expense of adding ventilation may seem like more than what it’s worth at first, but think about how much more money you can save with fewer repair costs or avoid purchasing a new roof altogether. It all adds up, so taking advantage of one small change can benefit you and your wallet.
Using a vented roof will make your home stand out compared to other homes in the neighborhood. It’s also going to use less energy than an unvented roof, even if it does add some extra expense upfront because you’ll save money in the long run. The extra expense of installing a vented roof is well worth it, and you’ll end up making that cost back and more when you sell your home and save thousands on repairs and replacement costs.
Ventilated Roofs Can Accommodate Two Layers of Shingles
The subject of roofs has received a lot of attention lately due to the damage caused by Hurricane Ida. These storms often come with high winds, rain, and hail that can destroy shingles on any roof design. This leaves many homeowners looking for new ways to increase their resilience against future natural disasters.
Some new shingle designs are coming out on the market now that aim to help provide more durability than ever before. One such design is the two-layer shingle, where one layer of asphalt is applied over another layer or base sheet material. Applying this second layer gives you additional weather protection and structural benefits like minimizing wear and tear. Two-layer shingles can be used by themselves if you already have a fully-functioning roof, or they can be incorporated into a vented roof system.
Vented roof systems have been very popular with many homeowners because of their airflow. This airspace between the two layers created by a vented roof system can help protect shingles from weather damage and heat buildup, allowing for a longer life span. Also, using dual-layer shingles and ventilation allows you to maximize efficiency while providing more protection against natural disasters. Furthermore, installing two layers gives homeowners an option to use different colors of shingle types if their existing roof does not allow for this.
Increase The Lifespan Of Your Roof
Painted or stained roofs might last for years, but they can’t be expected to do so without some neglect. One of the easiest ways to protect your roof is by adding protection during construction. When you build a new home, either stick-built or modular, many builders now use vented roofs to control airflow and prevent moisture from taking hold on the exterior of the building envelope. Using a vented over the unvented roof on a new home reduces the likelihood of mold by 35 percent. In addition to preventing damage from exposure to natural elements such as wind and rain, roofs that have been vented have another advantage: They can extend the lifespan of your roof because venting helps reduce ice dams in colder climates. For more efficiency, you could also use gutters to protect your roof from damage further. When considering this direction, choose quality gutters based on cost. For instance, look at how leafguard gutters cost, compare with other types and select the best.
Ice dams are formed when heat escapes through the roof decking, warming the bottom part of your home’s exterior wall. As this heat escapes, it melts snow on your roof and prevents ice from forming. When ice forms, droplets of water move down over the top of the ice sheet to the coldest spot on your roof, often near or under an eave, then trickle into your home’s walls where they find their way inside somewhere in the attic or ceiling below. It might not seem like a big deal, but those drops can add hundreds or thousands of gallons before you know it.
Moderate climates are typically around 32 degrees Fahrenheit, or zero degrees Celsius, during the day. If an unvented roof is covered in 4 inches of ice followed by 12 inches of snow, that condensation can lead to up to 1/2 inch per hour of water inside your home’s walls. Over a week, that amounts to almost 8 gallons. You can minimize this stress by incorporating a professional roofing contractor to install a roof vent. With venting, heat escapes through the ridge vent at the top of your roof and makes its way out through vents installed at the eaves creating negative air pressure under the roof decking, so moisture doesn’t penetrate your home’s exterior walls or accumulate on your roof.
Reduce High Indoor Temperatures
In the summer, when the temperature is greater than the outdoor temperature with a sunny sky and wind blowing, hot air inside a building accumulates at the ceiling level because it is heavier than air closer to the ground. This hot air must be vented outside for proper ventilation to take place so that cooler air from inside of a home or building can cool down the interior.
This hotter, lighter air rises and exits through roof vents (whirlybirds), small openings in the roof that allow hot air to travel from the attic through a metal pipe. This metal pipe is connected to an outdoor vent and allows the warmer air to be released outside. The cool air then enters a building instead of being blocked by high temperatures inside a house or business.
When this process does not occur properly during the summer season, it can cause higher indoor temperatures on upper floors where people spend most of their time (such as bedrooms). There are several ways homeowners can reduce indoor temperatures by incorporating roofing services. One way is to use roof vents with wind turbines. With roof vents with wind turbines, this process will allow hot air to escape more easily through the whirlybirds, reducing the temperature of an indoor space.
As an added benefit, roof vents with wind turbines are aesthetically pleasing and allow homeowners to draw attention to their roofs. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and designs which allows for endless possibilities when matching the color scheme or exterior design of homes or buildings.
Ability To Accommodate Cooling and Heating Appliances
It is often difficult to find the right balance between enjoying the comforts of home and saving energy. However, the truth is that homeowners who do not take advantage of all of their property’s unique features are ultimately missing out on potential energy savings. This means taking full advantage of a property’s rooftop with a vented roof for some homes.
One benefit of using a vented roof is that it can accommodate cooling and heating appliances, whereas some other rooftops cannot hold these appliances. This way, you never have to sacrifice comfort for efficiency reasons again because you can enjoy both benefits at once by using your property’s unique features. Another crucial benefit of using a vented roof is significantly reducing your cooling and heating costs by 40%. Yet another benefit to using a vented roof is putting up solar panels to create electricity for the home.
Taking full advantage of all your home’s features will enable you to enjoy impressive energy savings, but it could also be good for the environment because every little bit helps. However, it is important to make sure you use a licensed contractor with extensive experience doing roofing replacement to get the job done right. Otherwise, you could end up with an improperly installed system that will not perform at its best and could even lead to potential health concerns such as carbon monoxide poisoning. All in all, the benefits of using a vented roof far outweigh those of not using one.
One of the most important things you can do to help keep your house cool during summer is to install a vented roof. This will greatly increase the comfort level of the building; it will also ensure that all equipment used in conjunction with your AC system is operating at peak efficiency. A vented roof can save you more on energy bills than it costs to install, making it one of the best investments any homeowner can make. However, when installing the vents, ensure the work is done professionally without having to destroy other equipment found on roofs. It would be best to incorporate different experts when working on this; for instance, use professional antenna installation when you want your antenna installed after incorporating roof venting.