Some 27,397,260 business cards are printed every day. Unfortunately, about 88% of business cards handed out get thrown away in less than a week. If you want your business card to stick in the minds and wallets of those it’s handed out to, you need to make it memorable, which is precisely what one real estate agent has done — in the nerdiest way possible.
Rather than hand out plain, boring business cards, a RE/MAX agent customized a set of cards inspired by the Magic: The Gathering trading card game to make a memorable impact on potential clients.
According to her business card, Donna is a legendary creature: a sales representative. She possesses the abilities of “haste,” and “vigilance,” too, which is what any prospective client would want in a real estate agent. The card also lists all of the important information — her name, phone number, and email — but in the way an actual MTG card allows a player to use a creature’s abilities.
“This award-winning agent works with the Susan and Moe team to help planeswalkers find homes from the reaches of Orleans to the hills of Kanata,” reads the business card’s character description.
While most people aren’t as creative as Donna, there are still clever ways to make a more memorable business card.
Botanical Paperworks offers business cards that are plantable. They’ll compost in soil, and then sprout flowers, herbs, or even veggies.
People have also made edible business cards, too, using chocolate molds and icing. On the one hand, these are sort of self-defeating, in that they’ll either melt, get eaten, or go bad, so the recipient can’t hang on to them. On the other hand, they’ll make a pretty memorable impact, so the recipient will probably remember the name, and look the company up online.
There are also utilitarian business cards. Why give people a business card when you can give them something more useful? For example, a coaster with the business info on it. Etsy seller ReadyGo also offers customizable, mini-notebooks.
The point here is that if you don’t want someone to just toss away your business card, you need to make it memorable somehow, just like Donna, the legendary sales rep.