On Friday, August 1, President Barack Obama signed the Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act into law, meaning it is now legal for veterinarians to transport controlled substances out of the locations of their practices and over state lines.
According to an August 4 VIN News Service report, the law had been previously unanimously approved in both houses of Congress before reaching the president’s desk, and is the result of about two years of veterinarians’ and American Veterinary Medical Association officials’ lobbying efforts.
“By passing and signing this legislation, the president and our legislators recognize the critical role veterinarians play in treating sick animals and relieving their pain and suffering,” AVMA President Dr. Ted Cohn wrote.
Prior to the law’s passing, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), acting in accordance with the Controlled Substance Act, forbade veterinarians to transport controlled substances and medicines outside their practices. This made treating some animals, like horses, livestock and other animals that couldn’t be easily transported to a veterinary office, difficult to impossible.
“This is a great victory for pet owners and veterinarians alike,” says Larry Rebbecchi of Philadelphia Animal Hospital. “This law allows veterinarians more flexibility such as in-home pet euthanasias, which were not encouraged before.”
In order to be able to transport veterinary medicines out of their practices and across state borders under the new law, a veterinarian must be licensed and also be registered with the DEA, reports the VIN News Service.