Hiring landscapers is a great idea. A landscape design company can help people with the backyard design inspiration process. People might want to do something different with their outdoor landscapes, but they might not be sure if their ideas will be plausible or cost-effective in reality. It’s also possible that professional landscapers might be able to accomplish something similar while using fewer materials and spending less money in the process.
Backyard landscape designers have used shortcuts in the past since plenty of their clients will have had relatively limited budgets for landscaping. Creating a beautiful landscape design using comparatively inexpensive backyard materials might be somewhat easier than people will think. They might be familiar with some more expensive materials, but some plants and flowers will be more expensive than others. People might not be able to get their favorite flowers and other plants put into place if they’re trying to save money.
However, there could be another alternative that will be easier and less expensive to maintain, and that might have a similar appearance. When people review their landscape design options, they also might prefer a comparatively simple landscape. Some complex landscape designs can look busy in reality, even if they looked more balanced on paper originally.
A new trend in home landscaping has begun to emerge, and it’s one that most people probably wouldn’t expect.
According to a July 24 Sacramento Bee article, landscaping experts are suggesting a purpose for landscaping other than making a home look attractive and increasing a property’s value — landscaping to repel pests and other unwanted visitors from one’s property.
For example, leaving bushes and shrubbery overgrown is one of the biggest indicators to burglars that a home is vulnerable or that no one’s home. It’s recommended that you keep your property’s trees and shrubs trimmed and that you mow your lawn regularly.
To send an extra warning sign against burglars, you can place thorny plants like bougainvillea or barberry bushes underneath your ground-level windows, the Sacramento Bee reports. Many landscaping experts recommend keeping your property well-lit at night as well.
Your landscaping can also keep out non-human guests, according to the Sacramento Bee.
Plants like citronella, marigolds, basil and lavender can keep away irritating insects like mosquitoes, for example. You can prevent rainwater from entering your basement by making sure your lawn and flower beds slope down, drawing rainwater away from your hours.
Keeping unwanted visitors off your property is often more simple than you might think. With a little extra work, you can incorporate your home’s landscaping into your home security system while maintaining a beautiful lawn and garden.