Are you looking for an expert dermatologist? By some measurements, your skin is your largest organ. It’s certainly among the most important, as your skin protects you day in and day out. Unfortunately, skin cancer and other dermatology issues are a major risk for people young and old.
Indeed, you may find dermatologists offering free cancer screenings at local sporting events and other places too. Everyone needs to keep an eye out. A cheap dermatologist consultation now could uncover a serious issue that’s best treated early. Stuck at home? You may also be able to find a cheap online dermatologist.
If you’re looking for a clinic near me dermatologist, you’ll probably have a few choices. It’s smart to consider a few dermatologists and the services they offer (and at what price.) Consider checking out online dermatology reviews to see what past patients think of a given practitioner.
What’s important is finding an affordable dermatology expert that you can rely on. Regular skin care checkups are wise, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun or are growing older.
So where do you go from here? You can contact a dermatologist and schedule an appointment at your convenience!
Studies have shown that as many as one in five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives. However, recent research shows that men over the age of 50 are more likely to develop melanoma, a serious form of the condition that can spread to other parts of the body and often ends in death. To reduce these rates, the American Academy of Dermatology has partnered with the Dallas Cowboys as part of the Academy’s SPOT me™ campaign. This particular program aims to provide fans with free skin cancer screenings as the football season begins.
On Sunday, September 7, the day of the Cowboys’ season opener against the San Francisco 49ers, and Monday, September 8, the date of the team’s Rally Day, board-certified dermatologists will be present at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. The SPOT me™ program hopes to use these events to inform the public about the risks and consequences of skin cancer, particularly men, as well as provide free skin cancer screenings. The first 300 fans to get screened at the season opener will receive complimentary tickets to the Rally Day event the following day. Meanwhile, all participants will have the chance to win autographed souvenirs and have their pictures taken with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
The SPOT me™ event is a strategic choice, as Texas is projected to have the 5th highest number of new cases of melanoma nationwide, with as many as 3,420 cases expected in 2014. Men are disproportionately at risk of developing this condition, with twice as many men developing melanoma by age 60 than women of the same age. This statistic is likely due to a lack of awareness: a recent survey from the AAD found that while 90% of American men have some information about skin cancer, only around 60% know how to detect signs of the disease, and as few as 18% visit the doctor for annual screenings. This can have a serious impact on a person’s health, as skin cancer can be effectively treated in most cases as long as it is diagnosed early.
According to the AAD, affiliated dermatologists have conducted more than 2.4 million free skin cancer screenings since 1985, and have detected nearly 238,000 suspicious lesions in the process, including over 26,500 possible melanomas. The SPOT me™ campaign, however, is a more recent program which is part of the organization’s SPOT Skin Cancer™ initiative. The program was made possible by the Bristol-Myers Squibb pharmaceutical company, who donated their Melanoma Exposed™ campaign to the AAD along with a charitable grant of more than $4 million.
Potential participants can find the SPOT me™ program outside in Lot 9 outside of Gate J at the AT&T Stadium on Sunday. On Monday, the program will move to the southwest corner of the field during Rally Day.