Coca-Cola Company is going to remove a chemical –linked with fire retardants –from its all products in the fall of this year. Actually, BVO (Brominated vegetable oil) is generally used as a flame retardant in plastics. It is said that Coca-Cola has been using this chemical in Fresca , Fanta and other flavored drinks.
Basically, the step to remove Brominated vegetable oil from drinks originated in a Change.org petition started by Mississippi teenager Sarah Kavanagh in 2012. This petition had been signed by 200,000 people who demanded Pepsi Company to remove the BVO from its products. The spokesman of PepsiCo said to media reporters that the company is trying to remove the chemical from its drinks and presently it is being used in Mountain Dew.
Besides, Mayo Clinic said in its official press note that BVO has been linked to memory loss and it can grossly affect skin and nerves.
Last but not the least, a senior representative of Coke said that our all products including those which contain BVO are safe and healthy and they meet with all rules and regulations of the country where they are sold.