In Allentown, Pennsylvania, Native American culture was the highlight of the 34th annual Roasting Ears Of Corn Festival, which took place last Saturday and Sunday. The festival feature traditional Native American foods, arts and crafts, as well as tomahawk throwing. This is eastern Pennsylvania’s oldest Native American festival.
The festival, which was hosted by the Allentown Museum of Indian Culture, highlights Native American culture and contributions to American society. Located in a small farmhouse that was built in 1796 and has only two rooms, the museum proudly displays several items, giving museum goers plenty to look at. On-site and off-site educational programs are also available for those looking to learn more about the lives of Native Americans. The museum has been slowly building its collection of rare Native American items, such as articles of traditional clothing and tomahawks, since 1980.
Originating amongst Native American tribes, tomahawk throwing competitions are now hosted all over the United States, and has become a popular past time enjoyed by many. In fact, the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame Association has developed their own ranking system which establishes an international standard by which knife and tomahawk throwers can measure their accuracy.
Though many people are familiar with tomahawks being used as a weapons or for sport, they are in fact multi-purpose tools used by both military personnel and law enforcement officers. Tactical tomahawks are used to breach windows, doors, and in emergency search and rescue situations. Additionally, tactical tomahawks are often used by outdoor enthusiasts. They have become so popular now that there is a variety of info on tactical tomahawks available on the internet.
The original Native American tomahawk design has not changed much over the years, rather, it has simply been improved upon in terms of materials. Whether used for sport in a competition or for search and rescue operations, tomahawks truly are an essential tool and part of American history.